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The filter_taxonomy() function will filter a consensus taxonomy to remove any taxonomic levels where the confidence score is below a min_confidence level


filter_taxonomy(consensus, min_confidence = 80)



A list object that contains two slots each with an equal sized vector. The taxonomy vector contains the classification at each taxonomic level and the confidence vector contains the percentage of bootstraps that had the specified classification


A double value between 0 and 100 (default = 80). The minimum percentage of bootstrap replicates that had the same classification. Any confidence score below this value will have the corresponding taxonomy removed


A list object containing two equally sized vectors that are filtered to remove low confidence taxonomies. One vector, taxonomy, contains the taxonomy at each taxonomic level and the other vector, confidence contains the confidence score for that taxonomy. There will be no taxonomies or confidence scores below min_confidence


oscillospiraceae <- list(
  taxonomy = c(
    "Bacteria", "Bacillota", "Clostridia",
    "Eubacteriales", "Oscillospiraceae",
  confidence = c(100, 100, 99, 99, 98, 58)

filter_taxonomy(oscillospiraceae, min_confidence = 80)
#> $taxonomy
#> [1] "Bacteria"         "Bacillota"        "Clostridia"       "Eubacteriales"   
#> [5] "Oscillospiraceae"
#> $confidence
#> [1] 100 100  99  99  98