
The create.database command reads a list file, *.cons.taxonomy, *.rep.fasta, *.rep.names or *.rep.count_table and optional group file, and creates a database file. To run the following tutorial please download: Example Files

Default Settings

The create.database command parameters are repfasta, list, shared, relabund, repname, constaxonomy, group and label. List, relabund or shared, and count & constaxonomy are required. NOTE: Make SURE the repfasta, repnames or count and constaxonomy are for the same label as the listfile.

mothur > get.oturep(, cutoff=0.03, fasta=final.fasta, column=final.dist, name=final.names) 
mothur > classify.otu(, name=final.names, taxonomy=final.taxonomy, label=0.03)
mothur > create.database(, label=0.03,,,

or with a count file:

mothur > get.oturep(, cutoff=0.03, fasta=final.fasta, column=final.dist, count=final.count_table) 
mothur > classify.otu(, count=final.count_table, taxonomy=final.taxonomy, label=0.03)
mothur > create.database(, label=0.03,,,

or with a shared file:

mothur > get.oturep(, cutoff=0.03, fasta=final.fasta, column=final.dist, name=final.names) 
mothur > classify.otu(, name=final.names, taxonomy=final.taxonomy, label=0.03)
mothur > create.database(, label=0.03,,,

or with a relabund file:

mothur > get.oturep(, cutoff=0.03, fasta=final.fasta, column=final.dist, name=final.names) 
mothur > classify.otu(, name=final.names, taxonomy=final.taxonomy, label=0.03)
mothur > create.database(, label=0.03,,,

If you open the file you will see:

OTUNumber  Abundance   repSeqName  repSeq  OTUConTaxonomy
1  6307    GQY1XT001C296C  A-GC--GA-G-A-A-G-T-A ... GT-GAA Bacteria(100);"Bacteroidetes"(100);"Bacteroidia"(100);...
2  5124    GQY1XT001A3TJI  G-GC--GA-G-A-A-G-T-A ... GT-GAA Bacteria(100);"Bacteroidetes"(100);"Bacteroidia"(100);...
3  3177    GQY1XT001CS2B8  G-GC--GA-G-A-A-G-T-A ... GT-GAA Bacteria(100);"Bacteroidetes"(100);"Bacteroidia"(100);...
4  2947    GQY1XT001CD9IB  G-GC--GA-G-A-A-G-T-A ... GT-GAA Bacteria(100);"Bacteroidetes"(100);"Bacteroidia"(100);...


The list parameter allows you to provide your list file. mothur creates this file by running the cluster, cluster.split or phylotype commands.


The shared parameter allows you to provide your shared file. mothur creates this file by running the make.shared command.


The relabund parameter allows you to provide your relative abundance file. mothur creates this file by running the get.relabund command.


The count file is the count file outputted by get.oturep(fasta=yourFastaFile, list=yourListfile, column=yourDistFile, count=yourCountFile)


The constaxonomy file is the taxonomy file outputted by classify.otu(list=yourListfile, name=final.names, taxonomy=yourTaxonomyFile)



The repfasta file is fasta file outputted by get.oturep(fasta=yourFastaFile, list=yourListfile, column=yourDistFile, name=yourNameFile) and is optional.


The repname file is the name file outputted by get.oturep(fasta=yourFastaFile, list=yourListfile, column=yourDistFile, name=yourNameFile) and is optional.


The group file is optional and will just give you the abundance breakdown by group.

mothur > create.database(, label=0.03,,,, group=final.groups)

If you open the file you will see:

OTUNumber  F003D000 ...    F003D150    repSeqName  repSeq  OTUConTaxonomy
1  422 1012 ... 492  GQY1XT001C296C    A-GC--GA-G-A-A-G-T-A ... GT-GAA Bacteria(100);"Bacteroidetes"(100);...
2  413 186 ... 707  GQY1XT001A3TJI G-GC--GA-G-A-A-G-T-A ... GT-GAA Bacteria(100);"Bacteroidetes"(100);...
3  279 238 ... 342  GQY1XT001CS2B8 G-GC--GA-G-A-A-G-T-A ... GT-GAA Bacteria(100);"Bacteroidetes"(100);...
4  255 194 ... 410  GQY1XT001CD9IB G-GC--GA-G-A-A-G-T-A ... GT-GAA Bacteria(100);"Bacteroidetes"(100);...


The label parameter allows you to specify a label to be used from your list file.


  • 1.25.0 - First Introduced
  • 1.26.0 - added shared parameter
  • 1.31.0 - added count parameter
  • 1.39.0 - Makes refasta and repnames parameters optional
  • 1.40.0 - Speed and memory improvements for shared files. #357 , #347
  • 1.41.0 - Adds relabund option. #478