The get.groups command selects sequences from a specific group or set of groups from the following file types: fasta, count, shared, list, taxonomy, phylip, column, design, name and group. To run through the example below, download Example Data Set
Default Settings
The count parameter is required, unless you have a current count file, or are using a shared file. The command will generate a *.pick.* file. To select the groups F3D0, F3D1 and F3D8, run the following:
mothur > get.groups(count=final.count_table, groups=F3D0-F3D1-F3D8)
or you may wish to list your groups in a file instead of manually typing them. This can be done by using an accnos file.
mothur > get.groups(count=final.count_table, accnos=final.groupsToSelect.accnos)
final.groupsToSelect.accnos looks like:
Both commands will output the file final.pick.count_table containing the 569 unique sequences that represent the 15096 sequences in groups F3D0, F3D1 or F3D8.
To use the fasta option, follow this example:
mothur > get.groups(count=final.count_table, fasta=final.fasta, groups=F3D0-F3D1-F3D8)
This generates the file final.pick.fasta as well as the final.pick.count_table with the same sequences. If you open the final.pick.fasta file you will see something like:
To use the list option, follow this example:
mothur > get.groups(count=final.count_table, list=final.opti_mcc.list, groups=F3D0-F3D1-F3D8)
This generates the file final.opti_mcc.0.03.pick.list, which contains the 256 otus containing sequences from the groups F3D0, F3D1 or F3D8.
label numOtus Otu001 Otu002 Otu003 Otu004 Otu005 Otu006 Otu007 Otu008 Otu009 Otu010 Otu011 ...
0.03 256 M00967_43_000000000-A3JHG_1_2101_13320_3436,M00967_43_000000000-A3JHG_1_2114_4499_18914,M00967_43_000000000-_10834_8009,M00967_43_000000000-0 ...
as well as a final.pick.count_table with the same sequences.
To use the taxonomy option, follow this example:
mothur > get.groups(count=final.count_table, taxonomy=final.taxonomy, groups=F3D0-F3D1-F3D8)
This generates the file final.pick.taxonomy, which looks like:
M00967_43_000000000-A3JHG_1_2108_22189_18381 Bacteria(100);"Proteobacteria"(100);Gammaproteobacteria(100);Xanthomonadales(100);Xanthomonadaceae(100);Stenotrophomonas(81);
M00967_43_000000000-A3JHG_1_1106_24198_4737 Bacteria(100);Bacteria_unclassified(100);Bacteria_unclassified(100);Bacteria_unclassified(100);Bacteria_unclassified(100);Bacteria_unclassified(100);
M00967_43_000000000-A3JHG_1_1105_27296_22083 Bacteria(100);Firmicutes(100);Clostridia(98);Clostridiales(98);Lachnospiraceae(97);Lachnospiraceae_unclassified(97);
M00967_43_000000000-A3JHG_1_2102_12696_27241 Bacteria(100);Firmicutes(96);Clostridia(96);Clostridiales(96);Lachnospiraceae(96);Lachnospiraceae_unclassified(96);
M00967_43_000000000-A3JHG_1_2108_22647_16398 Bacteria(100);Firmicutes(91);Clostridia(91);Clostridiales(91);Ruminococcaceae(90);Ruminococcaceae_unclassified(90);
M00967_43_000000000-A3JHG_1_2107_14096_15016 Bacteria(100);Firmicutes(100);Clostridia(100);Clostridiales(100);Lachnospiraceae(98);Lachnospiraceae_unclassified(98);
M00967_43_000000000-A3JHG_1_1106_17362_26015 Bacteria(100);"Actinobacteria"(100);Actinobacteria(100);Coriobacteriales(100);Coriobacteriaceae(100);Enterorhabdus(100);
M00967_43_000000000-A3JHG_1_2109_9416_24199 Bacteria(100);Firmicutes(99);Clostridia(99);Clostridiales(98);Lachnospiraceae(96);Lachnospiraceae_unclassified(96);
as well as a final.pick.count_table with the same sequences.
To use the shared option, follow this example:
mothur > get.groups(shared=final.opti_mcc.shared, groups=F3D0-F3D1-F3D8)
This generates the file final.opti_mcc.0.03.pick.shared, which contains the following lines:
label Group numOtus Otu001 Otu002 Otu003 Otu004 Otu005 Otu006 Otu007 Otu008 Otu009 Otu010 Otu011 Otu012
0.03 F3D0 256 499 306 394 403 632 356 168 164 136 19 27 110 52 104 84 78 35 57 61 37 285 32 59 147 64 67 ...
0.03 F3D1 256 351 311 189 64 73 117 127 174 83 111 53 35 115 252 287 0 7 90 27 53 59 14 26 57 60 94 ...
0.03 F3D8 256 236 309 295 128 2 174 547 278 181 15 74 18 129 50 43 6 4 18 14 108 49 6 58 55 51 35 ...
You can see that some OTU’s were entirely eliminated because they do not contain sequences from groups F3D0, F3D1 or F3D8.
To use the design option, follow this example:
mothur > get.groups(shared=final.opti_mcc.shared,, groups=F3D0-F3D1-F3D8) looks like:
group treatment
F3D0 Early
F3D1 Early
F3D141 Late
F3D142 Late
F3D143 Late
F3D144 Late
F3D145 Late
F3D146 Late
F3D147 Late
F3D148 Late
F3D149 Late
F3D150 Late
F3D2 Early
F3D3 Early
F3D5 Early
F3D6 Early
F3D7 Early
F3D8 Early
F3D9 Early
The resulting file will look like:
group treatment
F3D0 Early
F3D1 Early
F3D8 Early
The sets parameter allows you to specify which of the sets in your designfile you would like to select. You can separate set names with dashes. If you want to select all the groups in the Early treatment, try this:
mothur > get.groups(shared=final.opti_mcc.shared,, sets=Early)
The resulting file will look like:
group treatment
F3D0 Early
F3D1 Early
F3D2 Early
F3D3 Early
F3D5 Early
F3D6 Early
F3D7 Early
F3D8 Early
F3D9 Early
And the shared file will look like:
label Group numOtus Otu001 Otu002 Otu003 Otu004 Otu005 Otu006 Otu007 Otu008 Otu009 ...
0.03 F3D0 350 499 306 394 403 632 356 168 164 136 19 27 110 52 104 84 78 35 57 61 ...
0.03 F3D1 350 351 311 189 64 73 117 127 174 83 111 53 35 115 252 287 0 7 90 27 ...
0.03 F3D2 350 3076 1439 1065 451 148 410 354 1222 572 60 306 143 308 550 337 ...
0.03 F3D3 350 831 543 400 187 23 213 448 398 268 175 221 65 84 16 47 22 13 328 89 ...
0.03 F3D5 350 278 235 236 148 20 137 142 193 191 67 115 66 45 83 78 29 12 13 40 ...
0.03 F3D6 350 902 608 507 381 12 356 501 250 218 48 128 59 392 72 54 0 6 66 34 ...
0.03 F3D7 350 576 449 385 294 9 235 517 223 251 13 117 43 106 25 35 2 7 37 15 ...
0.03 F3D8 350 236 309 295 128 2 174 547 278 181 15 74 18 129 50 43 6 4 18 14 ...
0.03 F3D9 350 435 374 429 189 5 255 610 419 203 28 97 22 166 98 94 0 8 39 33 ...
The phylip option is used to specify the name of the phylip formatted distance file you would like to select distances from. To generate the .dist file, run the following:
mothur > dist.shared(shared=final.opti_mcc.shared, subsample=t)
The file contains:
F3D1 0.474922
F3D141 0.210618 0.536193
F3D142 0.245883 0.522963 0.159277
F3D143 0.178547 0.587579 0.075820 0.111769
F3D144 0.245769 0.614136 0.150278 0.164039 0.081844
F3D145 0.240859 0.592020 0.113041 0.099472 0.069555 0.034270
F3D146 0.193530 0.559788 0.104369 0.182698 0.064180 0.103431 0.097991
F3D147 0.231679 0.593135 0.152776 0.105287 0.081308 0.054359 0.050777 0.122631
F3D148 0.214540 0.587721 0.067956 0.125263 0.048796 0.090400 0.075236 0.100006 0.085041
F3D149 0.213746 0.516693 0.037621 0.148458 0.066224 0.129811 0.105153 0.083807 0.134928 0.068088
F3D150 0.239095 0.565672 0.122289 0.225027 0.124343 0.224982 0.184366 0.123207 0.206566 0.189054 0.101765
F3D2 0.486915 0.388567 0.451548 0.422166 0.528051 0.530900 0.486701 0.565963 0.496491 0.524713 0.469993 0.531830
F3D3 0.508477 0.460610 0.383161 0.325817 0.463416 0.462134 0.389007 0.498920 0.436586 0.444289 0.386265 0.458765 0.168128
F3D5 0.396747 0.287033 0.347348 0.377409 0.434369 0.478551 0.425063 0.422747 0.468263 0.440300 0.337063 0.340654 0.322947 0.299151
F3D6 0.426449 0.406230 0.361172 0.249032 0.409600 0.443616 0.362942 0.431433 0.396574 0.440542 0.357365 0.358107 0.200769 0.156920 0.237299
F3D7 0.485061 0.512503 0.357344 0.257352 0.418828 0.444764 0.338009 0.448287 0.408318 0.429156 0.369801 0.375126 0.271915 0.125416 0.296154 0.093075
F3D8 0.534782 0.447580 0.458594 0.385501 0.517817 0.598668 0.503624 0.523409 0.575409 0.523240 0.451311 0.461517 0.485066 0.320019 0.273138 0.260956 0.217905
F3D9 0.485800 0.378642 0.407103 0.359453 0.477310 0.563293 0.469351 0.485860 0.539667 0.485885 0.404651 0.416494 0.380421 0.266538 0.190510 0.192757 0.191119 0.056494
To select the distances for the Early treatment, run the following:
mothur > get.groups(,, sets=Early)
creates a file:
F3D1 0.474922
F3D2 0.486915 0.388567
F3D3 0.508477 0.46061 0.168128
F3D5 0.396747 0.287033 0.322947 0.299151
F3D6 0.426449 0.40623 0.200769 0.15692 0.237299
F3D7 0.485061 0.512503 0.271915 0.125416 0.296154 0.093075
F3D8 0.534782 0.44758 0.485066 0.320019 0.273138 0.260956 0.217905
F3D9 0.4858 0.378642 0.380421 0.266538 0.19051 0.192757 0.191119 0.056494
Alternatively, you can select distances between sequences. To generate the distance matrix, run the following:
mothur > dist.seqs(fasta=final.fasta, output=lt)
This will create the final.phylip.dist file. You can select the distances related to sequences from groups F3D0, F3D1 or F3D8, as follows:
mothur > get.groups(phylip=final.phylip.dist, count=final.count_table, groups=F3D0-F3D1-F3D8)
The column option is used to specify the name of the column formatted distance file you would like to select distances from.
mothur > dist.shared(shared=final.opti_mcc.shared, subsample=t, output=column)
The final.opti_mcc.thetayc.0.03.column.ave.dist file contains:
F3D1 F3D0 0.474922
F3D141 F3D0 0.210618
F3D141 F3D1 0.536193
F3D142 F3D0 0.245883
F3D142 F3D1 0.522963
F3D142 F3D141 0.159277
F3D143 F3D0 0.178547
F3D143 F3D1 0.587579
F3D143 F3D141 0.075820
F3D143 F3D142 0.111769
F3D144 F3D0 0.245769
F3D144 F3D1 0.614136
F3D144 F3D141 0.150278
F3D144 F3D142 0.164039
F3D144 F3D143 0.081844
F3D145 F3D0 0.240859
F3D145 F3D1 0.592020
To select the distances for the Early treatment, run the following:
mothur > get.groups(column=final.opti_mcc.thetayc.0.03.column.ave.dist,, sets=Early)
creates a final.opti_mcc.thetayc.0.03.column.ave.pick.dist file:
F3D1 F3D0 0.474922
F3D2 F3D0 0.486915
F3D2 F3D1 0.388567
F3D3 F3D0 0.508477
F3D3 F3D1 0.46061
F3D3 F3D2 0.168128
F3D5 F3D0 0.396747
F3D5 F3D1 0.287033
F3D5 F3D2 0.322947
F3D5 F3D3 0.299151
F3D6 F3D0 0.426449
F3D6 F3D1 0.40623
F3D6 F3D2 0.200769
F3D6 F3D3 0.15692
F3D6 F3D5 0.237299
F3D7 F3D0 0.485061
Alternatively, you can select distances between sequences. To generate the distance matrix, run the following:
mothur > dist.seqs(fasta=final.fasta, cutoff=0.03)
This will create the final.dist file. You can select the distances related to sequences from groups F3D0, F3D1 or F3D8, as follows:
mothur > get.groups(column=final.dist, count=final.count_table, groups=F3D0-F3D1-F3D8)
You may see a warning similar to:
Selected 15096 sequences from your count file.
[WARNING]: Your accnos file contains 569 groups or sequences, but I only found 476 of them in the column file.
Selected 476 groups or sequences from your column file.
This warning can be disregarded. When you use a cutoff with the dist.seqs command, sequences with distance above the cutoff are NOT added to the distance file. This means you can have sequences in the count file, that are not in the distance file. Mothur assumes reads missing from the distance file but present in the count file only have distances above the cutoff.
name - not recommended
The name option allows you to provide a name file associated with your group file.
We DO NOT recommend using the name file. Instead we recommend using a count file. The count file reduces the time and resources needed to process commands. It is a smaller file and can contain group information.
group - not recommended
The group parameter allows you to provide a group file to use when selecting items from your files.
We DO NOT recommend using the name / group file combination. Instead we recommend using a count file. The count file reduces the time and resources needed to process commands. It is a smaller file and can contain group information.
- 1.23.0 file mismatch bug -
- 1.24.0 added design option
- 1.28.0 added count option
- 1.37.0 Adds phylip and column options #79
- 1.40.0 - Speed and memory improvements for shared files. #357 , #347
- 1.40.0 - Allow for () characters in taxonomy definitions. #350
- 1.44.0 - Adds sets parameter. #277
- 1.48.0 Adds flow parameter.