The sub.sample command can be used as a way to normalize your data, or create a smaller set from your original set. It takes as an input the following file types: fasta, name, group, list, taxonomy, count, shared, rabund and sabund to generate a new file that contains a sampling of your original file.
fasta option
To use the fasta option, follow this example:
mothur > sub.sample(fasta=esophagus.unique.fasta)
This generates the file esophagus.subsample.fasta.
name option
If you have a name file associated with the fasta file you may use the name option:
mothur > sub.sample(fasta=esophagus.unique.fasta, name=esophagus.names)
This generates the file esophagus.subsample.names.
list option
To use the list option, follow this example:
mothur > sub.sample(list=esophagus.fn.list)
This generates the file esophagus.fn.subsample.list.
group option
The group option may be used with a fasta file or list file to generate a new group file to match your sampled list or fasta file.
mothur > sub.sample(list=esophagus.fn.list, group=esophagus.groups)
mothur > sub.sample(fasta=esophagus.fasta, group=esophagus.groups)
mothur > sub.sample(fasta=esophagus.unique.fasta, name=esophagus.names, group=esophagus.groups)
The groups option may only be used if you have entered a groupfile for the list or fasta option, or if you are using a shared file. The groups parameter allows you to specify which of the groups in your groupfile you would like included. The group names are separated by dashes.
To use the groups option, follow this example:
mothur > sub.sample(shared=esophagus.unique.fn.shared, groups=B-C)
This generates the file esophagus.unique.fn.subsample.shared, containing only a sampling from the groups B and C.
taxonomy option
The taxonomy parameter allows you to provide a taxonomy file associated with your fasta or list parameter.
mothur > sub.sample(fasta=esophagus.unique.fasta, name=esophagus.names, taxonomy=esophagus.rdp.taxonomy)
count option
The count file is similar to the name file in that it is used to represent the number of duplicate sequences for a given representative sequence. It can also contain group information.
mothur > sub.sample(fasta=esophagus.unique.fasta, count=esophagus.count_table)
or if you clustered using a count file be sure to include it:
mothur > sub.sample(list=esophagus.fn.unique_list, count=esophagus.count_table)
shared option
To use the shared option, follow this example:
mothur > sub.sample(shared=esophagus.unique.fn.shared)
This generates the file esophagus.unique.fn.subsample.shared.
rabund option
To use the rabund option, follow this example:
mothur > sub.sample(rabund=esophagus.unique.fn.rabund)
This generates the file esophagus.unique.fn.subsample.rabund.
sabund option
To use the sabund option, follow this example:
mothur > sub.sample(sabund=esophagus.unique.fn.sabund)
This generates the file esophagus.unique.fn.subsample.sabund.
To use the tree option, follow this example:
mothur > sub.sample(tree=final.tre)
To use the constaxonomy option, follow this example:
mothur > sub.sample(constaxonomy=final.constaxonomy, shared=final.opti_mcc.shared)
The label option can be used with all file types except fasta, and allows you to select what distance levels you would like, and are also separated by dashes.
To use the label option, follow this example:
mothur > sub.sample(shared=esophagus.unique.fn.shared, label=unique=0.03)
This generates the file esophagus.unique.fn.subsample.shared, containing a sampling at distances unique and 0.03.
The size parameter allows you to select the size of your sampling. By default for a shared file, size is set to the size of your smallest sample. For all other files types, size is defaulted to 10% of the number of sequences in your original file. For list and fasta files size may not exceed your number of sequences as this would cause duplicate sequence names, but for the shared, rabund and sabund, size may exceed the original number of sequences represented.
To use the size option, follow this example:
mothur > sub.sample(shared=esophagus.unique.fn.shared, size=200)
The persample parameter allows you indicate you want to select subsample of the same size from each of your groups, default=false. It is only used with the list and fasta files if a groupfile is given. persample=false will select a random set of sequences of the size you select, but the number of sequences from each group may differ.
The withreplacement parameter allows you to indicate you want to subsample your data allowing for the same read to be included multiple times. Default=f.
- 1.22.0 Improved speed of sub.sample command on list and fasta files.
- 1.22.0 Now outputs a unique fasta file and name file.
- 1.28.0 Added count option.
- 1.30.0 Added taxonomy option.
- 1.40.0 - Speed and memory improvements for shared files. #357 , #347
- 1.40.0 - Allow for () characters in taxonomy definitions. #350
- 1.40.0 - Fixes segfault error for commands that use subsampling. #357 , #347
- 1.42.0 - Adds tree parameter to sub.sample command.
- 1.42.0 - Adds withreplacement parameter to sub.sample command. #262
- 1.42.0 - Adds constaxonomy file to subsample command.#582
- 1.42.0 - Fixes sub.sample with multiple labels bug. #559