
The mgcluster command .…

For this tutorial you should download the Example Files file and decompress it.

Default settings

The blast parameter is required...




mgcluster(blast=bap.100.blast, name=bap.100.names)


The count file is similar to the name file in that it is used to represent the number of duplicate sequences for a given representative sequence. mothur will use this information to form the correct OTU’s. Unlike, when you use a name file the list file generated will contain only the unique names, so be sure to include the count file in downstream analysis with the list file.

mothur > make.table(name=bap.100.names)
mothur > mgcluster(blast=bap.100.blast, count=bap.100.count_table)


  • Nearest_neighbor (nearest): Each of the sequences within an OTU are at most X% distant from the most similar sequence in the OTU.
  • Furthest_neighbor (furthest): All of the sequences within an OTU are at most X% distant from all of the other sequences within the OTU.
  • Average_neighbor (average): This method is a middle ground between the other two algorithms.
  • OptiClust (opti, the default): OTUs are assembled using metrics to determine the quality of clustering.


The metric parameter allows to select the metric in the opticluster method. Options are Matthews correlation coefficient (mcc), sensitivity (sens), specificity (spec), true positives + true negatives (tptn), false positives + false negatives (fpfn), true positives (tp), true negative (tn), false positive (fp), false negative (fn), f1score (f1score), accuracy (accuracy), positive predictive value (ppv), negative predictive value (npv), false discovery rate (fdr). Default=mcc.


The initialize parameter allows to select the initial randomization for the opticluster method. Options are singleton, meaning each sequence is randomly assigned to its own OTU, or oneotu meaning all sequences are assigned to one otu. We have found initialize=singleton to produce better clustering in less time. Default=singleton.


The delta parameter allows to set the stable value for the metric in the opticluster method Default delta=0.0001. To reach a full convergence, set delta=0.


The iters parameter allow you to set the maxiters for the opticluster method. Default=100.


default = 0.70
mgcluster(blast=bap.100.blast, cutoff=1.0)


default = 100


Default = true, meaning merge after clustering mgcluster(blast=bap.100.blast, merge=f)


default = true, meaning use minimum blast score ratio
mgcluster(blast=bap.100.blast, min=f)


default = 5, minimum overlap

mgcluster(blast=bap.100.blast, length=10)


default = 0.10

mgcluster(blast=bap.100.blast, penalty=0.15)


  • 1.28.0 - Added the count parameter
  • 1.40.0 - Adds opti method
  • 1.40.4 - Bug Fix: Cluster commands printing of list file. #454