\[D_{Structpearson} = 1 - \frac{\sum_{j=1}^{S_T} \left ( S_{Aj} - \left( \frac{S_{A+}}{S_T}\right) \right ) \left ( S_{Bj} - \left( \frac{S_{B+}}{S_T}\right) \right )} {\sqrt{\sum_{j=1}^{S_T} \left ( S_{Aj} - \left( \frac{S_{A+}}{S_T}\right) \right )^2} \sqrt { \sum_{j=1}^{S_T} \left ( S_{Bj} - \left( \frac{S_{B+}}{S_T}\right) \right )^2}}\]- where \(S_{A+}\) denotes the total abundance of sample A
- where \(S_{B+}\) denotes the total abundance of sample B
- where \(S_{Aj}\) is the abundance of sample A in the jth OTU.
- where \(S_{Bj}\) is the abundance of sample B in the jth OTU.
- where S_T is the total number of OTUs.