The remove.dists command removes distances from a phylip or column file related to groups or sequences listed in an accnos file.
The accnos file contains a list of the groups or sequences you would like distances removed for. For example:
final.test.accnos contains:
The phylip option is used to specify the name of the phylip formatted distance file you would like to remove distances from.
The final.tre1.weighted.ave.dist file contains:
F003D002 0.219014
F003D004 0.405823 0.285439
F003D006 0.311126 0.227599 0.197012
F003D008 0.246074 0.221351 0.341801 0.220774
F003D142 0.381307 0.350587 0.175825 0.199702 0.331989
F003D144 0.380843 0.3943 0.350766 0.278915 0.37678 0.239005
F003D146 0.277258 0.300362 0.331904 0.242542 0.239576 0.246918 0.160718
F003D148 0.308621 0.299937 0.303805 0.254025 0.27361 0.246377 0.15778 0.120112
F003D150 0.315133 0.307792 0.206429 0.209389 0.27078 0.179998 0.260263 0.217917 0.195339
MOCK.GQY1XT001 0.64778 0.69245 0.769817 0.703035 0.61892 0.715547 0.662322 0.613735 0.648762 0.716918
mothur > remove.dists(phylip=final.tre1.weighted.ave.dist, accnos=final.test.accnos)
creates a final.tre1.weighted.ave.pick.dist file:
F003D008 0.220774
F003D146 0.242542 0.239576
F003D148 0.254025 0.27361 0.120112
F003D150 0.209389 0.27078 0.217917 0.195339
MOCK.GQY1XT001 0.703035 0.61892 0.613735 0.648762 0.716918
The column option is used to specify the name of the column formatted distance file you would like to remove distances from.
U68590 U68589 0.67
U68591 U68589 0.7559
U68591 U68590 0.8011
U68592 U68589 0.6585
U68592 U68590 0.6528
U68592 U68591 0.7849
U68593 U68589 0.6953
U68593 U68590 0.6383
U68593 U68591 0.7741
U68593 U68592 0.6041
U68594 U68589 0.7109
U68594 U68590 0.7233
If you want to remove sequences U68589, U68590 and U68592.
mothur > remove.dists(column=amazon.dist, accnos=amazon.test.accnos)
amazon.pick.dist contains:
U68593 U68591 0.7741
U68594 U68591 0.7554
U68594 U68593 0.5503
U68595 U68591 0.7067
U68595 U68593 0.7143
U68595 U68594 0.7086
U68596 U68591 0.7491
U68596 U68593 0.4869
U68596 U68594 0.3689
U68596 U68595 0.7266
U68597 U68591 0.7627
U68597 U68593 0.4155
U68597 U68594 0.5047
- 1.30.0 - First Introduced